We enjoy visiting Maui so much, that it seemed like time to "give something back." We looked around a little and found Pacific Whale Foundation's "Volunteering On Vacation" program. As Brook, the manager of the program explained, "Pacific Whale Foundation helps provide volunteers for a number of other Maui organizations." These organizations in turn work to protect Maui's fragile ecosystem, cultural sites and marine life.

We chose a small section of Ma'alaea Beach. Here's what we cleaned up in a 150 foot section of beach:
- 32 cigarette butts.
- 65 Pieces of plastic
- 1 Piece of netting
- 6 Pieces of fishing line or gear
- 2 Pieces of rope
- 1 Syringe with needle attached
- 1 Condom
- 2 Metal beverage cans
- 10 Glass beverage bottles
- 2 Pieces of styrofoam
- 2 Six pack rings
- 22 Plastic bags
- And more paper and fast food cups and wrappers than we could count.

Has anyone else tried "Volunteering On Vacation?" Why not tell us about your experience?
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