Monday, July 6, 2009

Iao Park

Iao Park is one of our favorite places to visit on Maui. It's lush tropical setting in the West Maui Mountains takes one into a world far different than the warm and dry areas of South and West Maui. On a warm day we enjoy visiting the park in the afternoon when it's 1000 foot elevation and cloudy weather usually make for cooler temperatures.

The most famous feature of the park is the iconic Iao Needle. This lava remnant rises 1200 feet from the valley floor. In ancient times the needle was probably used as an altar in religious ceremonies. It's usually most visible in the mornings, before the clouds settle in.

After parking you'll find a paved path leading to a bridge accross Iao stream and a magnificent view of Iao Needle. From here you can choose to hike up to a lookout point, down to a stream-side path or choose one of the other well marked trails in the park. Take your time, this is truly a peaceful place, one that needs to appreciated not rushed through.

While it's peaceful today, it wasn't always so. Iao Valley is also the site of the famous Battle of Kepaniwai in which King Kamehameha I destroyed the Maui army and ultimately changed Hawaiian history forever. Kepaniwai means "damming of the waters" and refers to the bodies of slain warriors blocking the stream.

Park Information:
  • Restrooms
  • Paved parking lot
  • Hiking trails

From Wailuka take highway 32 towards the mountains and follow the signs.

View Iao Park in a larger map

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